A mom picks up her toddler to get him ready for a diaper change.
Dad holds crying toddler with their shadow in background during family moment.
A dad puts on socks that have pictures of his son's face on them.
Two parents smile as they walk with their son in a stroller.
A toddler presses his hand against his father's shoulder and the blood drains from his fingers during a documentary family photo session.
Two parents are silhouetted by a sunset during their walk.
Two young parents give their toddler a snack at the park.
A mom makes faces with her lips to make her child laugh.
A mom shakes a bottle of milk as a dad puts a beanie on their toddler at the park.
Motion blur shows mom pushing stroller while toddler looks back during outing.
A toddler smiles at his mom while eating a snack.
A baby plays in the bath while his parents entertain him.
A mother peers into the tub and looks lovingly at her toddler.
Two parents smile and wrap their smiling baby in a warm towel.
A dad puts a diaper on his infant boy while he drinks milk.
Dad looks lovingly at toddler during a candid family photography session
An overhead view of two parents getting their baby ready for bed.
A mother lowers her baby into the crib to go to sleep.

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